
Shampoo Aminoacidi Con Sale Marino

8 Recensioni
| 4 domande risposte

SKU: KT0057



    Formula riparatrice di amminoacidi

    Migliora il cuoio capelluto grasso/la forfora/i capelli secchi e sfibrati/i capelli crespi 

    Informazioni sul prodotto:

    • Volume: 500 ml / 16,9 once
    • Imballaggio: Imballaggio di plastica sigillato
    • Durata: tre anni; un anno dopo l'apertura
    • Tipi di capelli adatti: qualsiasi, particolarmente efficace per capelli grassi
    • Piacevoli profumi rilassanti - Testa: lilla, arancia, canna, menta, pepe rosa, Cuore: violetta, pepe, ninfea, pesca, vermiglio, rosa, Fine: vaniglia, cedro, muschio
    • Regola l'ambiente del cuoio capelluto per far respirare le radici dei capelli
    • Lussuosamente formulato con sale marino provenzale
    • Regola il bilancio acqua/olio
    • Protegge e nutre il cuoio capelluto


    1. Sui capelli bagnati, prendi la quantità appropriata di shampoo sul palmo della mano e schiuma.

    2. Massaggia delicatamente il cuoio capelluto e le ciocche di capelli, risciacqua abbondantemente dopo il lavaggio.

    Per cuoio capelluto particolarmente grasso, si consiglia di lavare il cuoio capelluto due volte.

    Utilizzabile insieme al balsamo per capelli all'estratto di alghe KIMTRUE.


    Ingredienti chiave:
    1. Sale marino provenzale francese: Riduce la secrezione di sebo del cuoio capelluto, accelera la riparazione della barriera del cuoio capelluto, riduce la forfora e previene la caduta dei capelli.

    2. Estratti di Thuja orientalis : Migliora la vitalità dei follicoli piliferi, previene la caduta dei capelli e dona ai tuoi capelli una sana lucentezza nera.

    3.Vitex trifolia, estratti di gentiana: Efficace antiprurito e composti antinfiammatori che leniscono il cuoio capelluto.

    4. Estratti di Euglena: Squisiti idratanti, illuminano e si prendono cura dei tuoi capelli.

    Tutti gli ingredienti

    Acqua, sodio lauroil sarcosinato, cocamidopropil betaina , C12-16 D-glucopiranosio, TEA-cocoil glutammato, sodio lauroil sarcosinato, sodio cocoil glicinato, PEG -120 metil gluconato dioleato, 1,2-pentandiolo, sodio coccoil amminoacido, sale marino, sodio metil taurato, estratto di fermento di Pseudoalmonas, taurina, acido aspartico, estratto di foglie di Thuja orientalis, estratto di frutto di Vitex trifolia, estratto di Gentiana scabra, estratto di radice di Polygonum multiflorum, glicole dipropilenico, acido salicilico, Polyquaternium-10, EDTA disodico, estratto di Zostera marina, acido citrico, polisorbato-20, glicerolo etilesile , fenossietanolo, cetileth-20, (uso quotidiano) Fragranza * L'acido salicilico è un AHA.


    Consiglio utile:

    Applicare uniformemente una quantità adeguata di questo prodotto sui capelli bagnati, massaggiare delicatamente per ottenere una schiuma ricca, risciacquare con acqua.


    Non esporre ai raggi solari e alle alte temperature; tenere fuori dalla portata di neonati e bambini; evitare il contatto diretto con gli occhi, se il prodotto entra accidentalmente negli occhi sciacquare immediatamente con acqua; questo prodotto contiene acido salicilico. Non utilizzare con bambini di età inferiore a 3 anni.

Capelli oleati con amminoacidi lussuosamente potenziati

Non contiene SLS, AES, SLES, ma ha un potere proprietà di pulizia. Delicato e non irritante protegge la barriera del cuoio capelluto dai danni.

Supera la formazione di schiuma debole e i problemi di pulizia insufficienti dei tradizionali shampoo a base di aminoacidi.

Contiene una varietà di essenze vegetali, regola l'ambiente del cuoio capelluto, riduce le anomalie delle radici dei capelli e rende i capelli leggeri e soffici.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • I have used SLS shampoo in the past, can I still use this shampoo?

    Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt uses an amino acid surface activation system with Provence sea salt and a variety of plant extracts. It deep cleans and effectively removes excess oil and purifies the scalp control. The use of Kimtrue is more effective for maintaining scalp health. A transitional period may be needed between SLS shampoo use and amino acid shampoo use.

  • How effective is the shampoo when used with the Kimtrue Seaweed Extract Hair Conditioner?

    Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt works best when used with the Kimtrue Seaweed Extract Hair Conditioner. The shampoo first cleans and regulates the scalp environment, then penetrates the hair core to nourish dry and damaged hair. When paired with the conditioner, the effect is magnified.

  • Will I have dandruff problems?

    Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt uses an amino acid surface activation system with Provence sea salt and a variety of plant extracts. It deep cleans and has strong oil sebum production control. In addition, this shampoo purifies the scalp and helps remove excess oil. During the beginning repair period, you may experience some itchiness and dandruff. We recommend massaging the scalp with your fingertips for 2-3 minutes, then rinsing thoroughly with water

  • How do I use it?

    Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt uses an amino acid surface activation system with Provence sea salt and a variety of plant extracts. We recommend using 1-2 pumps of shampoo after dampening your hair. Add water and rub until foamy. Then use your fingertips to apply it evenly on the scalp and massage for 1-3 minutes, rinsing thoroughly with water afterwards. If the scalp is itchy, repeat the wash process one more time.

  • Can you introduce the ingredients of shampoo and directions for use?

    Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt uses an amino acid surface activation system with Provence sea salt and a variety of plant extracts. It deep cleanses and effectively removes excess oil and purifies the scalp control. To use, rub 1-2 pumps of the shampoo with a little water until foamy. Massage the foam on the scalp with your fingertips for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water.

  • Will there be a slippery residue?

    Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt is silicone-free and will leave a slippery residue after washing. The Provence Sea Salt ingredients can effectively regulate the scalp environment. Consistent use is beneficial to scalp health.

  • What is the oil control formula?

    Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt uses an amino acid surface activation system with Provence sea salt and a variety of plant extracts. It deep cleanses and effectively removes excess oil and purifies the scalp control.

  • What's the fragrance?

    The fragrance is fresh and natural.

  • How useful is the shampoo?

    Long-term use of Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt can effectively purifies the scalp and helps remove excess oil. Provence sea salt and a variety of plant extracts are added to the ingredients, best when used with the Kimtrue Seaweed Conditioner. First, Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt will deeply clean and adjust the scalp environment. Then it will penetrate the hair core to replenish dry hair. When used with the conditioner, the effectiveness will increase—leaving moisturized, soft hair. Long-term use of Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt can effectively purifies the scalp and helps remove excess oil, delay sebum buildup, and nourish the scalp. Provence sea salt and a variety of plant extracts are added to the ingredients to promote healthy hair growth.

  • Will the hair feel oily or over-stripped of oils after use?

    Most shampoos formulas on the market are SLS, which aggressively strips away oils from your hair. Thus, when switching to our sea salt amino acid shampoo, your hair may feel oily or slippery. This is normal and part of the repair process. We recommend persistent use to see desired effects.

  • Why does the shampoo turn yellow?

    Kimtrue Shampoo with Amino Acids and Sea Salt uses a high concentration of amino acid + surface active glucosamine compounds. Due to the natural characteristics of the compound, the shampoo will appear slightly yellow and the color between batches will slightly differ. This is a normal phenomenon, not a product quality issue. It does not affect the effectiveness and usability.

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